The Fool + Magician:
— Undoubtedly, you have deposited many illusions in this matter, ( The Fool )is a project that fascinate and is doing everything possible to achieve this. This is very good, however not weighed in any time the risks or difficulties that might involve such matter, and not even see the obstacles; you yearning to create is so large that is being very brave, because there are difficulties of type material that you do not see. And now tell me;
— For example?
— As for example, you has no money; not enough to start the business
You fell in love of that person who lives thousands of Km; 9,581 miles away from you, do not speak the language, and even not have a passport or any intention to resolve the visa … Is not it?
— Wow, ¡that is not a problem when there is love!
Typical reply of a representative this combination of cards.
I would like to say, that he must look at the two sides of reality, not just the one that excites you or makes you feel good. You are not objective, there are plenty of fantasies in your head that give a volatility to your mind very evil channeled, is wasting their powers do not put your heels on the ground.
Be it you realistic, and now turn off the light…. ¡happy dreams!
Fool + Magician:
– If the query is for money, is not favorable, because announced payments, business or work that never reach, perhaps should lean toward another type of employment, because you be strong and something stops your progress, it can be their tendency to give too much importance to all , or too many turns to the decisions. Has an internal struggle between what you would like, and what should or must create that morally. You are more restless and entrepreneurial than it seems, but this trend analysis end takes you to the indecision and failure, because it does not act.
— Could be a woman too cautious and restrictive, with which the consultant has a link end, because they cannot take off his dependence; open your eyes.
Fool + The Empress:
— It seems that these two sheets do not have any connection, however is talking about the hidden desires, what it does to shake each of their fantasies or concerns. An admirer of beauty, music or art, with a feminine sensibility and a creativity sublime, because the two are the initiators of the tarot; the 0 that begins the cycle of this life, and the Empress; the chalice, the giver of life, which is capable of generating to this crazy and bring it to this real world.
— Follow this advice; start you to create instinctively, you might want to paint and is waiting for to give a place in the school of art, ¿don’t have you? don’t wait more!, you can create and you can apply it to any situation, in a way to their desires, by this, such as The Fool, just have to get started; a first step, then the rest. You will find that everything you touch will bring to life. Plunge, open that store, or ask to Eva that is the mother of his future children.
Does it seem like a crazy? It is not, is its essence.
Fool + Hermit + The Sun reversed + 6 of Cups reversed:
— The person feels secluded and scared, harassed and aggrieved by his own environment. Can be a type of harassment; work, school or institute, or in any site in that on the contrary, should feel protection and love.
The Fool + The Wheel of fortune:
— Surprisingly enough, that person does not need stop and think about what you offer, or what it wants to achieve, its momentum coming before his person, thus, gives triple somersaults in front of you, and always comes out victorious. This is the profile of this combination; the “No decisions” that redirect you to their own path. Continue to be yourself; it is your way of rolling and the only that can keep you up, above in “the Wheel”
The Fool inverted + The Wheel of fortune reversed + The Hanged man:
— Unconscious, undisciplined, inconsistent, and a true kamikaze in life. This person will be ignoring what is good and always choosing the wrong path Is lost with the blindfolded in fantasies without basis or concept. Unfortunately, these are the kinds of people that always dragging someone else in their fall.
— In the economic issue, let us say you have a hole in your pocket. Unable to recover his disorderly life although has the potential to do so. If a month yes, and also to the other, he then gets money from the forms more implausible, however at the beginning of the following month, the time to solve your needs, has multiplied by two, since it does nothing, is unable to move a finger or make an effort to direct his own life? If we are talking about a company, you can’t even understand how is still open and running; despite the chaos that permeates all the departments, there could be a suspension of payments, close by bankruptcy or contest of creditors. It not expected anything good, although the luck clicks to continue opening their doors every month.